Hydrogen solutions
Hydrogen for a sustainable future
The future of energy Hydrogen is a key element of clean energy, which can be produced from renewable sources such as the sun or wind using an environmentally friendly electrolysis process. This production method reduces dependence on fossil fuels and saves the environment.
The benefits of hydrogen
Hydrogen production from renewable sources is clean, safe and emission-free. It helps reduce the carbon footprint and promotes long-term energy independence.
Use in all sectors Hydrogen finds applications in transport and industry. Hydrogen cars, buses and other vehicles represent the future of clean mobility. Hydrogen is also used in heavy industry to replace fossil fuels.
Technology and innovation Hydrogen technologies are developing rapidly – fuel cells and Power-to-X technologies are enabling the stabilisation of energy grids and the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure.
Hydrogen as a pathway to carbon neutrality Hydrogen is one of the most promising pathways to a clean energy future, helping to achieve carbon neutrality and creating new jobs in technology sectors.

Naše nabídka vodíkové technologie:

Výroba vodíku
PEM a AEM elektrolyzéry

Komprese vodíku
Kompresory na vodík

Zásobníky a doprava
Zásobníky na stlačený vodík. Transport vodíku

Výroba elektřiny z vodíku
Palivové články

Výdejní stojany
Výdejní stojany pro dopravní zařízení Přečerpávací stojany pro transport